Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My Life In Art

Ah, how pretentious.

I am struggling to find a tone that suits my new endeavor. Let's face it, I am making this up as I go along. No matter.

First, QWIP will be about my art and only about my art. Of course, art is a personal thing and from time to time you WILL catch me musing about social and/or political issues, personal events, observations and the like, but only as they relate to my choices as an artist.

Second, I will limit my links on this blog to sites pertaining to my artistic interests.

Third, I hope to eventually bring other artists in to write about their process. That will come in due time. Right now I need to pull myself together and start building this blog. When it is good, people will join me.

Fourth, I am going to try to express myself intelligently and my inner sailor will have to find a different outlet. I won't bar the use of profanity officially, but I am going to challenge my vocabulary because the time for these infantile pursuits has passed.

And last, this blog will make me accountable. No more claiming involvement in projects that never materialize. If it is in print here I am bound to complete the project. I will talk about my process, ask for opinions, give advice and, in general, work to build a community of artists who work for the sake of working.

As I grow older, I realize that art is not a luxury for me. This is how my brain works. This is how I process the world around me and learn how to cope. If I don't have it, I fall apart. My art makes me strong. It provides me with an outlet for my confusion, my anger and my love. It bestows its own wisdom and peace upon me

So welcome. Come in. Sit down. Have some coffee. Breathe. But please, be quiet. There's a work in progress.

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